
Click on a row to explore the results for that model. When you wish to explore a different model, then select the new result row and the tabs will be updated.

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Predicting Patients Requiring Hospitalization After Being Sent Home From An Outpatient Visit Presenting with Flu or Flu like symptoms (To be investigated for the use on Patients, with or suspected to have, Covid-19)

This shiny application contains the results of the internal and external validations of the models developed to predict risk of hospitalization due to pneumonia within 2 days to 30 days after being seen in an outpatient setting for flu or flu symptoms (but no symptoms in the prior 60 days) but being sent home using the OHDSI PatientLevelPrediction framework and tools.

During manuscript development and the subsequent review period, these results are considered under embargo and should not be disclosed without explicit permission and consent from the authors.

Development Status: Under Development

Below is the abstract of the manuscript that summarizes the findings:





Below are links for study-related artifacts that have been made available as part of this study:

Protocol: link


  • OHDSI model development: link
  • OHDSI model validation: link

The Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) international community is hosting a COVID-19 virtual study-a-thon this week (March 26-29) to inform healthcare decision-making in response to the current global pandemic. The preliminary research results on this web-based application are from a retrospective, real-world, observational study in support of this activity and will subsequently be submitted to a peer-reviewed, scientific journal.


Model Settings: help

Population Settings: help

Covariate Settings: help






Model Table